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About us

The undergraduate program in Museology at  CAHL/UFRB

The course in Museology of UFRB is face-to-face mode, lasting at least four and at most six years and minimum hours to 2,741 hours, being half-yearly in morning shift regime and afternoon shift as well. The course provides teachers with specific training in the areas of Humanities and applied social sciences, with masters and doctorate programs.

Currently, the course offers four laboratories: laboratory of Museology Applied 1-conservation and restoration of movable cultural goods; Laboratory of Museology Applied 2-documentation and archaeology, laboratory of Applied Museology-processes and artistic techniques, laboratory of Museology Applied 4-communication Museum. It is also available for students ' use: classrooms, meeting rooms, video room, auditorium and library. The Museology course aims at:

• Articulate the professional practice and research in academic level with a view to strengthening Museology as an area of knowledge at various levels.

• Train professionals with ethics and social responsibility for the development of museological actions, especially those that require assistance in museums, documentation or information centers, cultural centers, services or information networks and cultural heritage management.

• Stimulate the students´ reflection, production and application of museological knowledge at various levels, namely: technical, undergraduate, Lato Sensu Specialization and Masters/PhD.

The course in Museology enables professionals to act: museological institutions management (museums, cultural houses, memorials, cultural centers etc.), assuming positions of leadership, direction, coordination, administration, organization or supervision; in carrying out technical work, such as documentation, conservation, exhibition, educational activities and promotion of public and private institutional holdings; in the planning, design and implementation of monitoring, museum jobs training, extension, improvement, specialization and others; in the organization of cultural events, such as seminars, conferences, exhibitions of national or international scope; in the provision of consulting and advisory firms, technical offices, environmental licensing, among others; in conducting expertise, opinions, reports, research and reporting of assets; in activities of national and international economic bodies; as well as teaching Museology at fundamental middle and upper levels.

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